Bright Local & Software Advice just came out with a great Survey and you maybe surprised about their results. Some companies may love this and some may hate it. I also had to do some more research on this to find other stats on this topic.
92% of consumers read online reviews
40% of those consumers form an opinion by reading only 1-3 Reviews
86% of consumers will pay more for a Service with higher ratings and reviews
Crazy huh? I was shocked that the numbers were so high! I knew Reviews were important but this proves it’s more important than I ever thought!
I also found some stats on what people are looking for in a Service Provider
87% of people look at the Quality of Services provided
78% of people only want to see the prices
Rich Listings are extremely important! This is why we add pictures and extra things to peoples Directory Listings.
People searching stay on a Listing 2 ½ times longer if you have photos on your Directory Listing.
They did further Surveys targeting those who DO NOT use Online Reviews and they asked them how they Selected a Service Provider:
42% Referrals
31% Search Engines
21% Online Reviews
3% Craigslist
According to Software Advice Yelp is still the most powerful Online Review Site and Google+ Local is right behind them.
I just thought I’d leave you with this over the weekend to ponder. We always try to push companies to get Reviews but I had no idea that these numbers would be so high.
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Software Advice, a company that reviews field service software, just came out with a great Survey and you maybe surprised about their results.