Winter brings us a fresh beginning, a calm silence, and once you suffer a week of temperatures in the negatives followed by a weekend of foot after foot of snow one can’t help but to want it to go away. We miss our sunny days. We do enjoy playing in the snow up here in Montana whether it’s snow shoeing or skiing, however when the temperatures high for the day is -6 there isn’t anything you want to do other than stay inside! We hope you all have kept warm and you’ve kept an optimistic attitude.
It’s been difficult on the carpet cleaning side of things for us as well. We are receiving calls but when the temperature of the day is -12 or so it makes it utterly miserable cleaning carpets. On the SEO end of things Joe just went to Las Vegas to speak at a Convention on Marketing. We’ve been hammering down on building links to everyone’s Facebook and Yelp pages as well as some others. Some we’ve seen rank rather well and some pages seem to be battling the voracious Google Battle. A lot of pages have been ping ponging back and forth from page two to page four to page seven and then back to page two as if Google has no clue what he or she wants to do with it. But we shall never give up and we are still being persistent and hoping that Google will eventually surrender his or her battle and rank the page on page one.

We’ve been seeing a favorable rise in ranking to a lot of the sites and we’ve been seeing some sites sit comfortably at a position in ranking. Those that have been stuck on the bottom of page one we are beginning a new strategy this month. One site we experimented with was sitting for months on the bottom of page one and after a few special link building tactics it is now number three on page one! Don’t worry I check everyone’s site every Monday and I am very observant on what is happening. If I think you’re site needs special TLC I will inform Joe immediately so he can develop a plan. Some sites I see a nice and steady climb to the top and that’s what we want because you’ll be more likely to stay there!
Stay Warm and We’ll Keep Battling This Ferocious Fight With Google!
– Mariane Maynard –