So, I’ve been doing SEO for Joe for over 4 years now. One thing I am wondering is, where are all the Google Algorithm Updates? Are they busy doing something else? From 2012 to 2014 there were so many it made my head spin. I remember one day coming into work and all of sudden finding out that every one of our clients had dropped to Page 8 because of a horrible Google Update. That’s one thing you don’t want to tell your boss first thing Monday morning, “Um, Joe somethings terribly wrong?” And then the phone starts ringing…
So, 2015 and 2016 has been two silent years. The biggest thing we’ve really had to deal with was Mobilgeddon but that wasn’t anything truly horrifying. So, why is Google slacking on these updates?
1. Is Google trying to keep us on our toes?
Google isn’t dumb. They know there a lot of folks out in the World making money by getting people ranked on page one. I also think that Google wants good SEO Companies around and want the black hat companies to go away. I think the prior updates on back linking are perfect examples of this. Legitimate Links coming from legitimate sources.
2. Matrix Style
Google is working on algorithms that learn on their own. I know that sounds crazy but think of things like when you go to search on Google and it finishes your sentence for you? I love that! But how does that happen? Hmmm…
Google search results are always changing and they are becoming more delicate and precise that people don’t necessarily notice? A lot of times we notice some odd ranking differences and we can’t find any announcements from Google or any info on it. Since 2013 Google has been hiring researchers and developers that are known for their artificial intelligence work. It’s almost as if they’re building a team and gearing up for something big.
Our Advice:
Our SEO team really concentrates on the rules and guidelines that Google sets. We really focus on doing things right, even if that means more work on our end. One thing we do like to remind people is that SEO should only be a part of your marketing. You can still get lots of jobs from advertising in other ways and when you do a little of everything it helps so much in bringing revenue into your business. It should be interesting to witness the future of Google. We stay on top of it and that’s what we’re here for. Our objective is always to get our clients in the Google 3 Pack because we know they get 60% of the clicks. Google will always be a revolving entity that will challenge us but that’s what keeps us on our toes.