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Welcome to Part 3 of my ongoing video series that teaches carpet cleaners how to rank their websites using SEO or Search Engine Optimization.
In this part we learn how to easily get backlinks to our website by commenting on other people’s blogs.
Most of you know what a backlink is, but if you don’t it’s basically a link from one website to another. It can be a word or a picture. Anytime you click on something and it takes you to another page or website, you are clicking on a backlink.
Banklinks are very important when it comes to SEO. Each link counts as a vote for your web page. The most powerful links are words that contain your keywords. If you haven’t researched your keywords and placed them on your site then review:
SEO for Carpet Cleaners Part 1: How to Find Keywords
SEO for Carpet Cleaners Part 2: How to Set UP Onsite SEO
Whenever you read an article on someone’s blog, scroll down to the bottom and look for a “comments section”. If their blog allows for comments and allows you to enter your website, then you have found a winner.
One of my favorite blogs is http://www.problogger.net/. This is a great place to pick up comments links because they are always updating new articles and Google finds these links fast because it is such a popular site.
So how do we do it? When you click to read an article scroll to the bottom and you will see a section that allows for Name, Email, Website and Comment.
In the name box you want to include your keyword. I usually put my first name @ keyword. Some blogs won’t let you use keywords, some encourage it.
Then enter an email. I like to put in a “dummy” email because some blogs will spam your inbox.
Now in the website box you want to put in the page you want the link to go to. Most of the time this will be your homepage because that is where the most popular keywords are. But if you are trying to rank your upholstery page then put your upholstery page in there, not the home page. It is important that you enter the whole address including the http://. I always just click over to my site and copy then paste the url from the address bar, that way I don’t have typos and it’s faster.
In the comment box you want to enter at least 2 or 3 sentences. This has to be half-way intelligent but don’t kill yourself trying to make the perfect comment. Just say something related to the article or to a comment that someone else made. If you are clueless as to what the article is about ask a question. It’s easy once you’ve done it a few times.
It is very important that you don’t say something generic like “Great Article” or “I agree completely”. This is called spam commenting and it won’t work. Most blog owner’s will not approved these types of comments and Goolge will most likely count them as worthless. Just contribute to the conversation and you will be fine.
You want to comment on as many DIFFERENT blogs as possible. An easy way to find other blogs is to click on the comment links from other readers. They most likely will have their own blogs that allow for commenting. You can also place comments on this blog page to get started.
That’s it. Now go out and start commenting on as many blogs as possible. I recommend 2 or 3 per day. Over time these will really add up.
In part 4 we learn about getting backlinks from Internet Forums.